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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


With a nontraditional instruction (NTI) day, school buildings are closed but students participate in learning at home. It counts as a school day and does not need to be made up or added to the calendar. Students use their Chromebooks to complete lessons virtually. Class assignments, teachers’ office hours, Zoom links, etc. are available online. Please reach out to the teacher via email for support.

District Resources: 

Tech Support 

Help Desk: (859) 422-5555

FCPS Weather Guidelines

How NTI works at TLC

How Is NTI Different From A Traditional School Closing Day?

A traditional school closing day may be due to severe weather, illness, or other special event and means that school buildings are closed, afternoon activities are canceled, and students have the day off. The time may be made up or added to the current school year’s calendar, per FCPS school board decision.

On a NTI weather day, school buildings are still closed. However, some afternoon activities may still occur; so, be sure to watch the news or reach out to your home school about activities. Since students participate in learning at home during NTI days, it counts as a school day and will not need to be made up or added to the calendar.

How Does It Work at TLC?

TLC students need to take their Chromebooks and chargers home every day.  The district will notify all staff and families via email, phone call, text message, and social media when an NTI weather day, delay, or school closure is necessary.  The district’s goal is to communicate any changes as early as possible, preferably the evening before the impacted school day.  However, there are times when a decision must be made in the morning.  In those circumstances, communication will be delivered no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the change.  

On days designated as NTI weather days, students will use their Chromebook devices to complete work virtually from home.  This will mean logging into Canvas, where teachers will have assignments posted for students.  Classes will not participate in live instruction via Zoom, but teachers will hold office hours–times when they are available to virtually meet with students or parents who would like additional support.  These Zoom sessions will be live and with cameras on.  

Students who cannot complete work on an NTI weather day because of power outages or other issues will have up to three school days after returning to school to complete or submit missing assignments. 

TLC's NTI Schedule

NTI Snow Day Schedule





Asynchronous Lessons 






Live Office Hours With Teachers Via Zoom

 Links in Canvas

Who can I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher via email.  You may also email Program Director Kennedy Email.  We are here to serve. Please reach out if we can be of any assistance.